
Tree of Celebration

Care Home Open Day is celebrating Art in Care on 28th June 2019 and Creative Mojo is going to be involved in a big way!

To help celebrate this incredible day we are asking residents all over the UK to assist in painting some fantastic butterflies to go on our Tree of Celebration.

We will then combine these butterflies with all the others produced by thousands of residents around the country and exhibit them on a large tree at our local National Trust property Knightshayes here in Devon.

Homes will also have the option to decorate their own tree at their own home too.

We are looking forward to seeing the fantastic butterflies people across the UK produce ready for the big day.

If you want your home to be involved, please register your home here:

Or get in touch with your nearest Mojo for more information by searching HERE


We are proud to be working in conjunction with:

The National Trust Knightshayes and Care England




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